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Mozambique: Deployed Field Hospital

We provide several medical capabilities in two regions of Mozambique. Capabilities include:

  • Role 1 and Role 2 Infrastructure
  • Ground ambulances (including equipment, servicing, and maintenance)
  • Staffing inclusive of prehospital, nursing, and surgical teams
  • Role 1 and Role 2 equipment and supplies including the provision of blood
  • Telehealth reachback
  • International evacuation. multinational military training mission.
iqarus healthcare solutions

The Primary Services delivered include:

  • Full chain casualty management from point of injury to international evacuation.
  • Prehospital, surgical care and high dependency unit
  • Ground ambulances for MEDEVAC.
  • Medical Supply Chain and logistics management.
  • Supporting Elements included:
  • Legitimacy to operate as a medical provider in the country.
  • In country management and liaison team.
  • Biomedical technician for equipment maintenance and servicing.

Design, build and operate Role 1 and Role 2 medical facilities. Provide ground ambulances (including equipment, servicing, and maintenance), staffing inclusive of prehospital, nursing, and surgical teams, all equipment and supplies including the provision of blood and international evacuation.

To provide accessible medical support to EU standards, enabling the EU’s Training Mission to reduce risks to its troops operating in a complex and volatile environment.

The primary healthcare services delivered included full chain casualty management from point of injury to international evacuation. Prehospital, surgical care and intensive care unit (ICU). Ground ambulances for CASEVAC and MEDEVAC. Plus, medical supply chain and logistics management and staffing.

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